Using Firefox and AdBlock, it did happen to me the other day as well. The icon in the tab above just kept rotating which signifies something trying to load onto the page. I tried a few things but to no avail. What DID work finally was a simple reload of the browser. If you have multiple pages open, close them ALL. Then return to see if the problem persists.

If the ads were static and not dynamic with moving/flashing objects and other animations making them as annoying as Ackley's avatar, they would not be so bad. A few sponsors at the top of each page load, changing as we peruse the site, fine, it's the moving ones that are made to catch one's eye but they also annoy greatly hence we have to use softwares and add-ons to cancel them out of our view.

Banner ads (above each page) rather than side window ones are much easier to tolerate IMO.

[Linked Image]