I have a friend in my local service club with 7 Arabians. I offered to help with some ground work at her place, and she offered to pay me. I have some reservations, but I should know what I am up against pretty quickly. I have ridden these horses only a few times, but have been around them fairly often. They usually seem hot, nervous and ready to take off. But they are underexercised a lot. We had one on a pack trip for a week. He was small and easy to get on in the mountains. At the end of some long days he had plenty of gas in the tank. I came to really like the horse.

I refuse to be talked into riding any of these critters, but feel pretty confident on the ground, at least when armed with some tools. What has your experience been with these animals?
Mustangs and Arabians are the closest thing to mules in the horse world, because they are smart and have lots of self-preservation.

The only cure for life and death is to enjoy the interval.
George Santayana