Several years ago at least a half dozen of the high school boys working for me were smoking MJ and it affected all of them differently. Some would be real happy, others grouchy, some lazier than usual while others seemed to be more willing workers. One thing in common was that they all seemed to have reduced appetites. They were all slim guys so I don't remember of any of them losing weight and their health was good.

So, as several have said, different strokes for different folks. If I was going to try it, I'd go spend a few days where Rattler is located and learn from him. He has had some bad health type problems and probably knows what he's talking about.

Good luck and let us know how it works for you, if you go that route.

The Mayans had it right. If you�re going to predict the future, it�s best to aim far beyond your life expectancy, lest you wind up red-faced in a bunker overstocked with Spam and ammo.