
The deep penetrating weapons we've been developing over the past few years weren't for caves in Afghanistan -- they have hardened underground targets in North Korea, and now Iran, written all over them.

Unless you have access to highly classified information, you don't know the capabilities of our "bunker-buster" penetrating weapons, just like I don't. For all that those of us outside the "need-to-know"-realm know, our Air Force might be capable of taking out every hardened nuclear facility in both Iran and North Korea within a matter of hours. On the other hand, we might not be able to do that right now either -- but I don't know, and the Iranians don't know, either.

Additionally, some of the most brilliant scientists of the 20th Century were Jewish (many of them played a big role in our development of the first nuclear weapons), and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Israel was developing bunker-busting bombs to rival any of ours. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.