Originally Posted by Jesse Jaymes
Think I would rather carry the weight of the Wildlife Hatchet and have eternal serviceablity rather than a 20 minute road flare...but I asked so I have to be open minded.

Can you light a fire with your wild life hatchet? You get cold and wet in sub zero conditions (maybe fall through some ice) you absolutely have to be able to start a fire *right now* as you only have minutes before hypothermia sets in..

Given you are already carrying a saw and a knife, for me an axe is a "nice to have" item and is more about being comfortable in the medium to long term in the bush..

Proper emergency fire lighting kit, along with the knowledge and experience of how to use it in the worst weather conditions is a life saver for those immediate, emergency situations...

And as others have suggested, if you feel you do need an axe, I would step up from the very small hatchets to something that will cope with more than a knife and baton will..

