The USA will no longer be the sole superpower.

It will still be a strong country - among many.

Democracy and education will continue to spread throughout the world.

Virtually all of the trouble caused by religious intolerance will be a distant memory - in a world grounded in science - rather than superstition.

Take a society - any society - and note - when more than half of the population becomes literate - and you then add one generation - so the new ideas can become grounded and accepted as the norm - the result will be democracy.

In the last 100 years - no two democracies have fought a war.

As more countries become literate - and democratic - peace will continue to spread - spawned by economic inter-dependence. Fewer wars are happening now - than any period in human history.

1000 years ago - there were dozens (if not hundreds) of wars going on in Europe alone.

Now, we see what literacy and democracy has brought there. Peace and inter-dependence.

The rest of the world will follow.

In time.


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."