Originally Posted by snubbie
Originally Posted by BrentD
I've never used them, but I do use poles for hunting pheasants on snowshoes and skiing of course.

What does a set of these poles have going for themselves that a good ski pole doesn't?

I'd say adjustability. Going steep downhill you can lengthen the trekkking poles and likewise shorten going uphill. Though not ideal, I believe ski poles are usable. I'd choose them over a stick.
Another plus to a pole over a stick is the wrist strap. It can be used as additional weight bearing support and when glassing the straps allow the pole to simply hang from the wrists. No need to lean your stick against a tree or your leg.

I buy extra tall XC ski poles that I come across at yard sales, usually for less than 5 bucks/pr. Wrapping the pole with paracord below the molded grips allows gripping the pole at whatever height needed for the terrain. No real need for adjustability. The baskets are easily removable when not needed. Tying the two poles together top and bottom with several lengths of skinny bicycle inner tube makes a stiff hiking staff. Removing the lower tie makes a passable set of shooting sticks. Pretty versatile for what it is. I did pay 10 bucks for the last pair of Finnish made, high end XC ski poles. They are constructed of carbon fiber and light as feathers.