The wood is Desert Ironwood. The Steel is D2 Tool Steel.

A long time ago, in a small town far, far away...A father and son went to visit the Jedi Master. The Jedi Master spent many hours talking and answering questions of the two travelers.

Before it was over, the number one son was allowed to view every piece of wood in Gene's inventory. He carefully selected the exact piece of wood he wanted for his dream knife. The father asked for a matched pair to be made to celebrate a life event. The master delivered the two knives shown above..

and then one night...the father surfed the net and developed yet another craving. He called upon the Jedi Master to see if he could come close to matching the wood on the first two knives for a third knife. The Master said I can come close. Hence the third knife was commissioned. The end result exceeded everyone's expectations.

Gene crossed space and time to make a matched set of three knives. Each with a story to tell.

And now the great burden of planning ahead is upon us. There is nothing left in the que. What shall we order next...Our dream is simple. when one comes in....go ahead and order the next one so you have something to look forward to next year.

"The liberals preach tolerance and diversity until presented with an opinion other than their own."