I like a soft flannel union suit against the skin. It doesn't sag and gap like separates, and you can perform both bodily functions through buttoned openings.

The outer layer should be windproof such as GoreTex with knit cuffs to close around the ankles and wrists. The front should have a zipper that closes around the neck to seal in warmth but can be opened to let excess heat escape when needed. Insulation in the outer layer makes the garment warmer overall, but it also makes it thicker and heavier which limits mobility. Insulation also limits versatility in mild weather when the temperature rises during the day unless the insulating layer can be removed and stowed. My current favorite hunting jacket is Browning Polarfleece with GoreTex and 400 gram Thinsulate. My heavy coat from Cabelas is wool with their Dry Plus variation of GoreTex fabric and a removeable insulating layer. With that coat and a wool sweater I can fish on the ice in the wind all day in comfort.

For middle layers nothing beats goose down for warmth, but a good wool sweater runs a close second. My habit is to wear an orange upland hunting vest with a large game pouch to meet the orange requirement, using the game pouch for stowing layers when needed.

My current hunting boots are made by Wolverine. They are leather with GoreTex and 1200 gram Thinsulate. When ice fishing I add thick wool felt insoles and my feet stay comfy all day.

Currently, I am in need of a pair of nice, lightweight, waterproof boots for upland hunting in the fall. Problem is I can't find any that fit me because my feet are so wide. I bought a pair of Irish Setters in size 12-6E but they pinched my fat feet something fierce so I returned them. I don't know of any company that makes boots that fit me. I have considered making my own but that is easier said than done! I could have a professional make me some but the price is astounding. One guy gave me a budget quote of a thousand dollars! Any advice on this would be appreciated.

Our God reigns.
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