My son and I ran our two GSPs (Roxy and Ruby) with NE1022 and his GSP (Homer). Homer's one of Roxy's pups and a litter-mate to Ruby..... smile

Homer checkin' in.....
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My son taking a detour.....
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Ruby and Homer found a dead deer.....
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Roxy stopping by to say "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for taking us RUNNING!! laugh
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A couple ugly mugs (NE1022 on the left and me on the right)....
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Roxy pointing a deer carcass. We ran across 4-5 on a 2 mile walk!! crazy
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Homer found a shed as we were leaving and brought to NE1022....

Beautiful full moon on the way out....

Biden's most truthful quote ever came during his first press conference, 03/25/21.
Drum roll please...... "I don't know, to be clear." and THAT is one promise he's kept!!!