Pulled the dead battery out of the truck, finally. The screw in the hold down block was corroded in and the head corroded so you couldn't get a socket to hold. Gave up Friday when it was 3. Upper 20's today, had to force the Dremel down deep in what space there was and cut the head off. And weld a nut back on for a head since Ford in their infinite wisdom used a 1/4 NF screw with an undersize head. Not betting I could find a replacement in this little town. Felt like crap so that's it.

And my luck with things mechanical continues, the solar powered auto-darkening welding helmet lost its charge and wouldn't darken. Pretty much used to it, but does it ever feel good when something goes smoothly. laugh

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.