It's a shame that the big money arrow manufacturers and bow manufacturers cannot get together and make the charts for the kenetic energy of the thousands of possibilities in arrow weights and lengths,bow speeds and foc. They just keep putting the monkey on each others back and leave it to the consumer to figure it out.
One thing about light fast arrows they get there quick, but just do not bring a lot with them. The farther they go, the less they have. Drop a ping pong ball and a baseball at the same time and quess what kind of energy each has when they hit the ground.
The front of center weight must also be considered or the arrow may have enough weight but in the wrong place for good penetration.
I personaly like a heavy arrow, with heavy front of center moving at a good speed to prevent a large gap between 20 and 40 yards. I also want the arrow spine to match my front end weight and bow poundage so I do not get an arrow that bare shafts to the left or right.
It all sounds so easy doesn't it......It's a science for sure but can be done.

There are no bad days hunting elk, some are just better.