This is Tank, my Deutsch Drahthaar. He is by far the best hunting dog I've had the pleasure of hunting behind. I wish I could tell some stories of some of our hunts, man we've had fun! He does everything from upland to waterfowl to fur and is great around the kids. He does have issues with getting bored around the yard and gives me fits- he's an outside dog, but it's all good wink . He's pretty intense, extremely loyal, and is very smart.
At about 10 weeks old
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He loves the snow!
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He found this guy while we were shed hunting in our local woods. The critter was spared- this time wink .
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Watching some Yellowstone trout.
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Hangin' out with the kids.
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A CO triple.
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A KS rooster.
On a covey of KS quail.

NRA member

Mill Creek Rifle Club member
DeSoto, KS