Out to 100-120 yards, if you can hit it, you can probably kill it with a 10mm.

I use Paco's Rule: shots = yards. I want to be able to put as many rounds into a pieplate as the pieplate is from me in yards before I will shoot an animal at that range. So... if I want to shoot at 75 yards, I have to hit the pieplate 75 times at that distance. If I want to shoot at 100 yards, then I make sure I can make 100 hits. And so forth.

With my 7.5" Ruger Bisley, I'm at about 80 yards, but the range has shortened somewhat in the past few years as my eyes age. Grrr.

Try it. It will make you confident in shooting living critters, or it will make you shoot closer.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars