Just read it all for the first time.

Seems like he won't take a thing... but if that ever changes... its easy for us to grab a walmart card here and forward it on....

Just name it!

And kudos for going so far out of your way to make things work out the best they can for him and his family.

We certainly know that .mil doesn't get paid very well, especially vs hours worked. And all the sacrafices they give up for the rest of our freedom. I'm more than willing to pitch in a bit at any time.

In the meantime I think that what most of us need to do, is simply keep the young man and his family in our prayers and that God continue to guide him and lead him down the correct path and that his vision be clear enough to see and follow that path.



We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....