Originally Posted by byron
Dumb? Stupid? Could be one or both or neither, but for sure they have an agenda to disarm us. WHY?
They may be incapable or don't care, but they better wrap their head's around the fact that "they" will have to kill me and a bunch of other US citizen's I'll wager, before they totally disarm us.

Why? Because they are authoritarians. "Liberal," like "choice," is a complete misnomer. All they want is power and control over everything. As we've seen, they'll choose to enforce the laws against those who oppose them. Vote for them and your crimes mysteriously go away.

Make no mistake. They are neither dumb nor stupid. They want all the guns from those who would oppose them. As with a nearly century long process to install government health care, they don't care how long it takes. They will keep trying. Logic...the Constitution... nothing matters but the consolidation of power in the hands of the authoritarian elites who buy votes with our tax dollars.

We should not let the 2A issues distract us from the other areas where they attack our liberties and economy: healthcare, the budget, spending, immigration reform, selective prosecution of criminals...the list is virtually endless.

I pray that this attack on the 2A backfires as it did in 1994 and costs them seats in the House and Senate. In the meantime, continue to spread the word when and where you can. Voice your opinion. Continue (or start) your financial support of whatever gun-friendly and/or other issue-friendly organizations you believe in. Above all...VOTE!!!

Last edited by Rubeus_Hagrid; 03/17/13.

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?