Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Honestly I don't know how anybody can come to a conclusion on the 52 gr MK on a sample size that tiny Pat.

Get back out there and give us some REAL data.


but what's the REAL 'total number'?

well now, let's see--time for some of that good ol' campfire math...

we take the number that was given-

and we add a quick zero-

put that total in your adding machine, and we multiply times 3-

now, armed with this super fancy/tidy numerical subtotal--we've only left to simply subtract a roman numeral "M"-

and, holy calculators--you've basically arrived--give or take a few...

(please note though, that the 52 sierra only weighed in on a tiny portion of those--however, in the spirit of good internet etiquette, it's best to stick with modest sampling frames of only one, or, better yet--zero...)

all learning is like a funnel:
however, contrary to popular thought, one begins with the the narrow end.
the more you progress, the more it expands into greater discovery--and the less of an audience you will have...