Originally Posted by Calhoun

Briefly, they claim they have 263 million rounds in inventory, they use 88 million rounds a year for training, and buy 105'ish million a year.

Interesting numbers... but nowhere near 1.6 billion rounds.

Though the numbers do seem to indicate they are building up their inventory by 18 million rounds a year? And why do they need 3 years worth of ammo stored in inventory?

Have you considered that the owner of the manufacturing facilities has some influential cronies that are purchasing with the public dollar so that the owner can continue to make a profit now that hostilities are on the wane.

The other option is that your Government is absolutely terrified about something that you are not privy to...which is plausible given that most sides of politics are supporting the changes, either by direct action or inaction.

From here it is an interesting development that is going to affect our lot as well.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.