Hello 7x74!
I agree with your description of the German culture of hunting. But it seems, that you met some weird German hunters. Its not common practice to send somebody away because he wears some strange looking clothes. And it is not common - and more than arrogant - to relegate somebody to shoot badgers and foxes.
In the 1950 years until 1974 my father was a "Jagdpachter" of a hunting ground 100 kilometers north of Frankfurt and we hunted together with some American army officers. I think for my father the hunting together with these American officers/hunters was the attempt to reach the hand to the former enemy. Anyway, we had much fun with them, they were nice guys and very good shots. They showed us cartridges like the 22 Hornet, 222 Remington or 270 Winchester ("You really can shoot an elk with this tiny 130grs bullet?" - "Yes."). We had discussions about drillings and selfloading rifles, about German and American cartridges and hunting weapons - besides barbecue and duck hunting. These times belong to my best memories of my youth and I m sorry that you met these very "special" hunters. They are not typical for German hunters, believe me.