Originally Posted by Longbob
There are two lesbians that live across the street from us. They are the butch kind. Not attractive at all and obvious in their preferences.

Are they also kind of nasty, with a bad attitude? Our street was all owner-occupied homes and then a lesbian pair rented a house. They caused trouble and the long-timers hated them, but not because they were lesbians. They didn't stay long. Then I learned that there were others with similar attitudes. I'm going to paint this one with a broad brush. I give them a wide berth.

Wow, and I thought this thread was going to go down the humorous route. I wish I could remember more lesbian jokes. However, we've gotten into moralizing. Who cares what they do? When we were kids in grade school, we made jokes about all kinds of people, including "What did the Lord say when he created the first negro?" "Oops, I burned one." That's only funny up until about age 14. I seriously think some people who like their own gender were wired that way, by the Man Upstairs. He is not always kind. Take a look at some of the big, tough lesbians. Are they going to get asked out to the prom? No. Guys probably never liked these girls. Take a look at some of the effeminate, slim gay guys. Are girls going to be interested in them, or were they ever? No. Same kind of reciprocal situation. God made Rosie O'Donnells ... and God made beauty pageant contestants.

But the MAIN issue is their personalities. Lesbians, more so than gay guys, can't seem to check their issues at the door when they come to work. That's what affects coworkers. Not what they do in bed. Also, their nastiness is rooted in a lot of psychological baggage. I've also seen a few get fired for being troublemakers and it couldn't have come soon enough.

But there we go again - the packaged mentality that Republican = conservative = Bible thumper = homophobe. I'll go Democrat/conservative/a la carte Catholic/don't care. What I do care about is the same-sex marriage thing. It costs MONEY. This means they extend benefits to partners. In fact, I don't like the registered partnership issue either, for the same reason. It costs MONEY. They should have left it at roommate status, essentially allowing them to live like single people who are sharing living quarters. If you think Obamacare is bad or will be the thorn, it isn't. We'll adjust. The REAL problem is how same-sex marriage, the benefits, the perks, and the adoptions will toast the basic stable social structures of this country. Go ahead and enjoy your porn of lipstick lesbians or LUGs (lesbians until graduation) doing the deed, and then play the religious card. Instead, be practical about it, forget the religious aspects, and kick them to the curb, making sure that there are no pu$$y-whipped suckers paying these biotches alimony or child support when they swing the other way. Have you seen some of these girl next door actresses who have gone lesbian? Kelly McGillis and Meredith Baxter? WTF? They have hit the wall in a big way. If you sniff early on that they like the smell of poon, run. Some guys think with their small brains instead of their large brains, and the religious thinking is also small brained on this topic.

Q: What do you get when you cross an Eskimo and a lesbian?
A: A Klondyke.