Since we are singing praises I will join right in there. After owning an RCBS for about thirty years my son-in-law was loading and managed to break the handle out of the threaded attachment. I figured since I now have another I would send it in and if I had to pay no big deal; after all it gave good service for years. After a few weeks it arrived with no charges what so ever. Even for shipping!

I dropped my Alpen Wings 8X20 which I carry in a pouch on my belt almost all the time. One day I dropped them and called the company to see what they would charge to repair the out or whack toy. The lady told me they have a LIFE TIME no fault warranty and I should just send them in. I reiterated that I didn't mind paying since I dropped them on the concrete. She again told me there would be no charge. They sent me a new binocular and didn't even charge for mailing.

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter