Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
I turned 60 last year and I am trying to find something that interests me. I'm still working because I like the money, but am tiring of the travel involved. I often think about retiring at 62, and what my daily routine would be. I want to write a book for posterity's sake, but other than that I feel like I have succumbed to life's "rat race." I sold all my motorcycles, cancelled my plans to buy an airplane, no longer have season football tickets, and simply want an uncluttered and simple life. I can't think of any material thing that interests me any more. Is there something wrong with me, or is this just a symptom of growing old?

There's nothing wrong with you. You're just hitting the reset button. You don't have to have a grand plan for the future to be happy. You're way ahead of others as you have jettisoned your encumberances. Figure it out as it comes. Oftentimes a "forced plan" leads to a "this isn't what I expected" scenario.

Remember, every day is a gift. Enjoy the day and see what tomorrow may bring.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin