My only experience is with the 19. I've gone through a number of holsters for it to find what works with my body type and what doesn't.

Other things that matter is what location you prefer to carry. Some holsters that work well on your hip, don't necessarily work well as an appendix carry holster, and visa versa.

I really prefer an appendix carry option. My problem is that I have a fat gut that is also rock hard as all my fat is behind my muscles. This really likes to push things way out. Some holsters that I've had high hope for (N8-2(squared), various kydex (Raven concealment and others)), just print way too much on me.

I've found that a Remora or Sticky Holster works well, but they are slower draws.

I had a crossbreed super tuck for my G-29 that I sold. That worked really well for concealment, but I couldn't wear it at the appendix location. Crossbreed does make an appendix carry version that I really ought to give a shot.

For me, the closer the grip is to my belt line, the more it conceals and both the crossbreed and the Remora/Sticky holsters allow you to get that gun deep. Most others that I've tried do not...

The obvious answer for me is that I have to lose weight. grinblush

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.