Since you brought up a Biblical comment on aging which highlights our dwindling abilities and our inevitable end, the whole thread along with my infirm and aging parents and surgical patients has paralleled and highlighted this. I've come to the inevitable conclusion that getting old is for most a very challenging and difficult part of life shrinking our participation in our shrinking world; there is depression, anxiety, dementia and the bodily failings I was trying to put a comical spin on in the posts above.

However, and very seriously, we are coming to the end of one and to the beginning of another, our eternal existence. John 3:16 is the completed answer in the proverbial nutshell. It is my desire here that all who read this thread would be so moved to accept its more-gracious-than-we-can-realize offer.

Then we can enjoy the ride better and in fact see the folly of depending in our own strength and pride of life. As the scriptures aptly put it, "our lives here are as a vapor or wisp of smoke".