Originally Posted by MOGC
Never been one in all the documented history of white settlement in North America. That is hundreds of years and millions of people and nearly shooting and trapping mountain lions extinct yet not one person has ever been able to document a single black mountain lion. Even with seemingly half the USA being covered by trail cameras in today's techno swamped world there isn't a single photograph of a black mountain lion. Yet every other bozo from swamp east anywhere has seen them multiple times and swears the truth by it. Amazing!

I think Rio really has a Jaguarundi down there GC.
As far as the others go, I ain't from MO but you'd still have to "show me". wink

PS,, if you ever get a chance, pick up a copy of Waner Glenn's "Eyes Of Fire"
It's a little book documenting the treeing of a Juguar by his hounds down on the AZ/MEX border. Complete with some of the best photography you've ever seen.
I ordered my signed copy right from his daughter on their ranch down in So AZ.
You might try google if you're interested providing she's still having them printed.

Last edited by FieldGrade; 11/25/13.