Originally Posted by eh76
Sorry guys WY is full ...we are looking to evict people.....

Hopefully this finds you and yours well tonight sir.

As with many of my cyber 'Fire companions I struggled with a few of the questions, but it said I should go to Wyoming anyway..... wink

I've told this one before, but the last time we were down in Cody a fellow from Chicago or some large urban center east of there started asking me questions about where to go for this and that in the area.

When I told him I was from BC he had a hard time accepting it as fact. He pointedly told me I looked like a local....whatever that meant. confused laugh

Honestly if I could convince my good wife to retire there, I'd move to Ennis, MT any day.

It's pretty close to Wyoming as I recall. grin

Have a good evening sir and all the best to you and yours.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"