My buddies father was a collector of sorts with regard to 'vettes. He still had 5 of them when he passed of colon cancer...all of them red. Since my buddy was an only child he got em all. He wrapped the '78 around a tree, the '92 got loose on him and found a ditch. He sold the '63 split window (a$$hole)and the '76. He kept the '68 Stingray with the 427 and that thing went like a raped ape. Just sitting in that thing at idle sent chills up your spine. I told him if he ever wanted to sell it, I had dibs. He dumped it for $22K without so much as a phone call (double a$$hole). Not only did he piss on his father's legacy (triple a$$hole), but that car was one of a kind.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin