I'm definitely an early riser as well. "Sleeping late" on the weekends means getting up at 7:30. Most weekends I'm up at 6:15 or so, weekdays it's before 6.

I love the early morning, especially on weekdays. Most folks get to work at 8 or 9, I'm there at 6:30. NO traffic to screw with, quiet streets, get to watch the sunrise at the right times of year. Get in, check email then a four block walk to the hospital for breakfast. Good food, a cup of coffee then walk back along tree lined streets just as the day is starting. Spring means all the trees are covered with blossoms or new leaves, birds waking up and chirping, all life coming to wake after the long winter.

In the winter it's cold but a nice brisk walk really wakes you up. In the hot summer you get to enjoy the cool time of the day.

Great start to the day any time of year.

"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man, healthy, wealthy and wise!".

Yeah, right. At least I'm healthy... wink

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!