Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by jwp475
Originally Posted by GunGeek
I think the Obama citizenship is a lost issue and a waste of time.

That said, I think it's PERFECTLY reasonable to require a birth certificate to prove citizenship. Hell, it's one of the only requirements for the job.

If two of the judges had doubts about the his birth certificate being authentic, then why has this issue not taken root. I know that the issue is dead at this point.

What Rufus said is VERY profound, and there is a large element of truth there.

I think it's also that since SCOTUS has refused to hear the issue, one state raising opposition at the Supreme Court level isn't enough. Add to that, it's not even a battleground state. So even if they revoked their electoral votes, nothing changes.

The point is the courts, the people and our elected officials should care if a candidate is qualified to run for office, that sadly doesn't appear to be the case.

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first