Anjin and Pahnter760, I am impressed. You two are able to use facts to support your point of view, instead of spouting tired slogans and recycled crap from Rush and O'Reilly. It appears there may be a few people here with some brain cells between their ears. That is refreshing, although you are clearly outnumbered.
And Kliki--+1 to you for catching the word I misspelled. It appears you can find your dictionary and actually use it.
My original post asked who was president when OSB was killed. I didn't say Obama killed OSB, I didn't say Obama planned the killing, I just asked who was president. In response to my simple question, you guys threw a Hell of a welcoming party. Just remember who threw the first stone. As all of you are so fond of reminding each other, a man does have a right to defend himself?