I've noticed over the past decade that sticks are becoming more common just about everywhere there's enough ground cover to prevent sitting/kneeling shots. Have encountered outfitters and local hunters using sticks not just in Africa but Ireland and New Zealand, plus Texas and several other states. They're not just used for shooting but as hiking staffs when hunting rougher country.

Just last week in Texas I killed a cow nilgai about the size of a big mule deer offhand with sticks. The outfitter thought it was 220-250 yards, and I put the bullet right where I wanted to on an almost facing shot. (Dunno what the real range was since the opportunity was very quick, and we for to laser it afterward! But his guess was probably pretty good.) Have made a number of shots like that over the years using sticks, and would never feel confident enough to take the same shot offhand, or even with the rifle resting on somebody's shoulder. (Oh, and while I brought my own sticks, the outfitter had several sets already. But he also guides in Africa.)

Sitting down with sticks and your back against something is almost as steady as shooting off a bench.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck