What is every ones reaction to the reduction in moose tags this year? Our moose hunting group were starting to decide how we would apply this year and since the printed regulations aren't out yet I looked them up on the net.

Found that overall the number of moose tags (bull and cow combined) have been reduced by 29.6% this years as compared to 2013. Depending upon the WMU involved the tags have been reduced in varying numbers.

I don't know what affect this will have on the non-resident tags that outfitters depend on. The ministry never tells us much about these anyway. I suspect that a lot of outfitters will have a reduction in the number of non-residents (primarily from the US) they host this year with the resulting drop in income.

No one seems to know what the cause is of the drop in moose numbers. I wonder if the fact that MNR hasn't done aerial surveys for some time and that the ones they did recently just identified a problem that may have been coming on for quite awhile.

Anyone who hasn't looked into this should do so right away so you have time to decide what alternatives you have, if any!

