Originally Posted by BrotherBart
Originally Posted by Scott F
I have never figured out why anyone responds to a troll.

TRH is the #1 troll here and folks feed his idiocy every day. Mind boggling.
Bart, I like you, but you are wrong on this. TRH is not a troll. Agree or disagree with him, he believes deeply in traditional American values, the same as I perceive you to. He doesn't post stuff just to get a rise out of people. You NEVER see TRH on the wrong side of the gun control issue. NEVER. You never see him supporting some dickweasel like Obama and saying that he believes him when Obama says he won't take away our guns. TRH is very knowledgeable about handguns in particular and helps folks when he can on that forum.

There are plenty of trolls and worse on these pages anymore. They multiply on hot topics like the Bundy thing. The "Lauren" troll is a great example. "4100"...some others. I don't put them on Ignore, but they are easy enough to forget about when you simply disregard them.