Looks to me like SYC hasn't made his point clear. Here is my attempt......at doing that VERY thing.

The point is...........that FoxNews............is the greatest news since the beginning of mankind when it comes to defending and promoting right-wing causes. There is none better that is edited, screened, plus whatever it takes to get the anti-democrats elected.....period. None, none, none. FoxNews is it.

And, consequently, its to a viewers and supporters dismay to see a bought-into-conservatism FoxNews reporter blasting and discrediting another ultra-conservative's views.......(i.e. TEA Party).

It's wild, outrageous, and doesn't make sense at all. And it speaks loudly about FoxNews' true agenda.

Last edited by StripBuckHunter; 06/02/14.

Confucius say: He who angers you.......controls you.

My Lifestance is one of Secular Humanism.