How are you folks balancing the Horde of Illegals with your American/Christian upbringing..?

When I was a kid, I went on many church building trips to Mexico and I've seen some of the conditions that some of these people are trying to escape from. If I was in their shoes, I too would probably do everything possible to escape poverty and head for the land of Milk n Honey.

Also I was raised not to Hate(which is proving extremely difficult) and to do the "Christian thing" when the opportunity presents itself. The whole "be a servant" idea..

So that's on one side..

The other hemisphere of the brain is so PO'd, it's about ready to hemorrhage. I see Pelosi down on the border rolling out the welcome mat. I hear our President circumventing the law and issuing Presidential degrees. I see a bunch of Freeloaders just waiting to get on the American Welfare teat and make the Gringos pay for it.

Part of me wants to take a Louisville Slugger down to the border and start swinging at the politicians and finish on anything that's Brown and has an accent..

There's no way Dr. Jekyll could ever live with Mr. Hide..

I don't know how you folks on the border deal with it, it's tearing my mind apart..

How do you resolve the 2 and live with some sort of peace.?