Originally Posted by Sako
OK all, I am asking for your suggestions.... I have a list of things below I would be looking for in a camera... I will probably by from Cameraland as I have bought a lot of scopes from them and trust them...

Currently, I do not have an SLR... I use the camera on my phone ... I know the horrors... smile

My son is now 12 years old and we love to fish, hunt and he is VERY into travel baseball.... Several of the people on the teams have SLRs that take multiple photos a second on a button push and I love this feature... I would be using this for casual photography. I do like taking pictures when we are fishing and during baseball...

Features I would like.

* Ability to take multiple pictures per second
* Good buy for the money
* 18MP would be fine... more would be ok but I am not using this for "pro" stuff, just family fun
* Full Auto for my wife... focus, exposure, etc
* Ability to not be full Auto as well... smile
* Good low light performance
* good color symmetry

not really concerned as much about recording movies... I have a gopro for that...

I do not have anything... so no lens to take into consideration.. I do not believe I will need a huge zoom... however, I do like taking close up Photos...

I would like to stay in the $500 to $ 1k range...

I am sure I am forgetting some things.... what do you recommend and why? What am I forgetting to consider...

Thanks for all the help...

18mp is crazy... digital passed film at 5mp. For what you are describing you should be able to get used gear that will be way more than you "need" for not nearly as much money.

Lenses are where the real costs are, and should be. Any discontinued DSLR model of Nikon or Canon will be perfect and you can shop for price. Cameraland has the occasional used set-up, too.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.