ingwe that comment was not aimed at you.

As basdjs has pointed out some of the science behind it. There is a lot about it that can be found by googling it. If you really want to take all the time and effort.

The fact is Ozone works and has been used for a long time. But it's use in a hunting application is very limited.

An even better test and one that proved to me it works is a family member owns a body shop. He had a customer bring a car that was stored for a long time in a garage to be restored. It smelled so bad of cat piss. I was working on my motorcycle on the day it was brought into the shop. I commented that we would be hard pressed to get that stench out. My cousin said no problem in a few hours you will not smell any of it. He sealed everything up and stuck a hose hooked up to an Ozone generator into the car. I came back the next day and could not believe the smell was gone.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.