I just wanna take up the "old start".

I was young and totally irresponsible once upon a time.

I let it get away from me.

It happened in increments. I didn't notice it fer about 35 years,...and then one day it slapped me in the face.

The old age slap will hang ya up.

You'll be like,.."I gotta fix this!",...and then your mind starts turnin',....yet you go on back to work every day.

,...but I know how I am,...at my core.

The core hasn't been accessed for quite some time,....not since I didn't have anything to lose.

Then one day you realize that, regardless of what you've accumulated in the sense of comfort and security,.. you've never had anything to lose.

It's all an illusion,....brought on by the lies that you tell yourself,...

The only free people are those who understand that nothing on earth really means anything.

Most of 'em are street people.

It's best if you figure it out early.

If not, you find yourself pushin' 60 and thinkin', "How the hell did I get here and how the hell do I get someplace else?"

It's quite a conundrum.

My biggest ace in the hole is,..whatever I do, it'll only marginally affect anybody else.

,....so I sit,....on a Friday evening,...after yet another 5 days of work,...and try to work it out.

,...been going on for a while,...and it's starting to get worked out.

It's gonna be fun.

I'm looking forward to it.

"Life after the acceptance of mortality."

or,..... "freedom"

,...same thing.