Originally Posted by jimmyp
I cannot understand what the major difference is? Is two inches high at 100 yards a major issue for the tournament shooting?

Say I'm shooting at a 6" plate, I've got 3" above and below the centerline so say I've got about 2" of wiggle room in any direction and I can still get a hit. If my point of impact is 2" above that center line I'll only have about 1" of wiggle room in any direction for me to still get a hit (because the steel plate is circular there's not as much room for a miss at the top of the target as the middle of the target). 50% less wiggle room.

Back in April we shot a match where we had a series of ten 6" shots at 33 yards. That's an easy shot, until you're racing everybody else to shoot them as fast as you can. They were cardboard targets so you couldn't see / hear if you were hitting or missing. I didn't want to have to hold off and look for the "upper 1/3" or whatever of the cardboard so I actually dialed for a 33 yard zero.

To me, it's just so much faster / easier to hold on the center of the target. Some guys are able to make adjustments on the fly better than me though.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling