Originally Posted by Dutch
Originally Posted by California_Kid
Originally Posted by Mannlicher
busting California up into smaller political units seems to make more and more sense.

Overburdened California taxpayers can barely afford the infrastucture the liberals have built now much let alone be able to pay for 6 of them. I remember when Pete Wilson got elected and to teach the CHP a lesson for not backing him in the election, he tried to change their name to something less glamorous (remember at the time there was a show on tv CHiPs). It was going to cost billions of dollars just to change the hwy signs, decals on the vehicles and DMV handbooks. Does anyone really think California still has the money to become six separate states because one egotistical billionaire wants to live in the state of "Silicone Valley"? The six states would have to hit the ground with their feet running. They could not start over and would have to adopt existing state law, thereby staying exactly what they are now. Over regulated and overtaxed.

Nonsense. I discuss this often with a colleague of mine in NorCal. You could just adopt Nevada / Idaho law as you see fit, and actually be off running.

What part do you think is nonsense? To adopt Nevada/Idaho laws as you see fit would take a tremendous amount of time and money. Meanwhile every inmate in jail would be appealing his sentence because it may no longer be illegal to do what they did or may have less of a sentence attached. These appeals would of course be paid by the taxpayer. Inmates would sue because they were not being incarcerated in the "same state" their families are in. What ever state LOs Angeles fell into may not have but 1 prison (Lancaster) to incarcerate 40% of the state inmates. I love the people who think this is no big deal. Discussed with your college? I lived in and worked for the State of California for almost 30 years. Dream on.

Farming, or anything else for that matter, is easy when your plow's a keyboard and you're a 1000 miles from the field.