GeeDub,look at it this way,there's ALOT of space around a Javelina. wink

Almost two years ago I went deer hunting (November on a Saturday & Sunday) and the only buck I seen was 400 yds out. Well,I sit down and get the buck in the crosshairs and BOOM! missed,shoot again BOOM! the buck moves off. I give my cousin directions to the place where it was,no blood,or hair nothing.

A month later in December,I go cow elk hunting with my cousin as both of us have a tag. We hunt all day and around a hour or so before dark we jumped a herd and as they are going up the other side of the canyon,I took a shot. It was about 150 yds away and slowly walking up. At the shot it turned to the my right,started to run back towards my left,where my cousin killed with a running shot to the neck. I told him "HEY YOU JUST SHOT MY ELK!" Long story short I missed it as there was only a shot in the neck where he hit it. wink 2 days later I killed a cow elk.

It happens to all of us. smile

Life Member SCI
Life Member DSC
Member New Mexico Shooting Sports Association

Take your responsibilities seriously, never yourself-Ken Howell

Proper bullet placement + sufficient penetration = quick, clean kill. Finn Aagard
