We also spent the other half of the day fishing for smallmouth bass. My son kicked my butt in this department as did everyone on the boat. I landed only one tiny smallie, but I caught another fish that more than made up for it...more about that later.

Here's my son with one of several smallies he boated. He did real well for having never caught one before.
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One of my best fishing buddy's with a nice smallie he was able to bring aboard.
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This is the guy that was kind of enough to take us out on his bass boat. He was a super guy and I'm glad he was also able to land a really nice smallmouth.
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Like I said earlier I didn't exactly light it up with the smallies. I'm not sure why. I've caught literally hundreds of them in my lifetime. For some reason I just couldn't hit my groove. I did manage to catch a couple 20" rainbows, but I can catch those here and I wasn't all that excited about them. So hence, no photos of the trout. However I did get totally surprised when this dandy wiper nearly ripped the rod right out of my hand. Heck, I was using my ultra-light outfit and it gave me all the battle I could handle. The two local guys were all giddy over it, as I guess it's biggest one they've personally ever seen come out of the lake. I was all giddy because I'd never caught one before and it wasn't a total dink sized minnow. It was a fantastic week with friends and family. I can't wait to do it again some day.
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Is it Friday yet?