Now Not Time To Impeach Obama, But Let Voters Indict Him
Posted 07/28/2014 06:53 PM ET

[Linked Image]
President Clinton apologizes to the nation from the Rose
Garden on Dec. 11, 1998, after his impeachment

Impeachment: Now is not the time to launch the
Constitution's remedy for President Obama's unprecedented
lawlessness. Now is the time to stand aside and let Democrats
receive the much-deserved wrath of voters.

Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, on a nighttime inspection of the
border with author Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily, said:
"President Obama is begging to be impeached," as he mulls
letting "five million illegal immigrant kids and teenagers into
the United States."

According to Stockman, Obama's "senior advisers believe that is
the only chance the Democratic Party has to avoid a major
electoral defeat" this November.

"Impeachment," Stockman believes, "could motivate the Democratic
Party base to come out and vote" in an off-year congressional
election that looks bleak for that party, with the Senate set
to change over to Republican control as the GOP retains the

In considering the gravity of impeachment, a careful look at
history is a must.

President Andrew Johnson's impeachment in 1868 was followed by
his acquittal in the Senate by a margin one vote short of the
two-thirds majority needed. Johnson had defied a law on cabinet
appointments that was ultimately determined to be
unconstitutional, and was repealed by Congress even before it
was found so. His impeachment was undeniably a politicized
extension of the nation's Civil War divide.

The case against President Clinton was far stronger, there being
no doubt he violated the law, committing perjury in grand jury
testimony regarding the Monica Lewinsky scandal. But neither of
his articles of impeachment ended up getting even a simple
majority, although the vote was 50-50 that Clinton had
obstructed justice.

Because of his obvious guilt, many members of Congress 15 years
ago believed impeaching Clinton was the right thing to do, even
if the Senate ultimately acquitted him. They believed his
presidency deserved that indelible blemish.

Right now, impeaching Obama would backfire on Republicans; a
majority of senators is absolutely impossible, let alone the
two-thirds needed for conviction and removal from office. And
Democrats have already begun raising substantial money by
publicizing GOP itchiness to impeach.

Next year, if Republicans do gain a Senate majority, two-thirds
in favor of throwing Obama out of office will still be
unlikely. But a majority of senators in favor will be possible.

That would mean most senators, "on Oath or Affirmation," as the
Constitution demands, not only voting to remove the president
for breaking our nation's laws, but also voting in favor of
Obama's "disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of
honor, Trust or Profit under the United States."

As with Clinton, it may well be the right thing to do � when the
time is right. For now, it is time to let the voters show how
they feel about the mess Obama and his party have put the
country in, much of it the result of lawbreaking and deceiving
the public.

"All that the South has ever desired was that the Union, as established by our forefathers, should be preserved, and that the government, as originally organized, should be administered in purity and truth." – Robert E. Lee