There is no shortage of good calls on the market today. Pick any one. They all will call coyotes. No two people are going to sound the same on any given call, which is one of the benefits of a mouth call over an electronic.

Try not to over call. When a coyote is coming in, stop calling. It's pretty easy for a coyote to pin point you if you keep blaring on a call while he's coming in. If he stops coming, work him a little with some very soft calling or lip squeaking or even a little bulb squeaker.

I try to set up with a cross wind or the wind in my face but have had coyotes come in from every direction, even straight down wind. One even had to run past my parked truck to get to me and came in so close from behind me that I almost hit him with the gun barrel.

Calling coyotes is a numbers game. The more stands you call the more coyotes you call. You can improve your odds on every stand by setting up well, using the wind and terrain to your advantage. Try to avoid setting up so the coyote is coming downhill to you. It can work but I've had much better luck the other way around, bringing the coyote uphill to me. And it doesn't have to be a steep uphill. Just enough to give you the visual advantage.

You can't always do it but try to plan and manage your shot. The terrain may offer you the opportunity to move into a shooting position as the coyote drops into a ditch or hollow on his way in. That's the time to bring the rifle up and be ready to shoot when he reappears. It doesn't always work out but the more stands you call the more familiar you'll become with looking for those opportunities.

If I call with a partner I like to sit side by side, against one another and about 90 degrees apart so we can cover the most ground with the least head movement. If one spots a coyote a slight nudge with an elbow alerts the other to an incomer. I prefer to pair up so one has a shotgun and the other a rifle.

Managing multiples can be challenging. I try to take the furthest reasonable shot first and then attempt the closer runners. Often you can stop a running coyote with a series of frantic coyote distress yikes. I haven't seen it but a buddy of mine had two stop and start tearing into their companion as it spun and yiked at the shot. He ended up killing both of them as they torn into the first coyote.

Watch your weather forecast. Calling will be good before a weather front and often times really great right after. I've had great luck calling when it's been really cold for several days.

Good luck. Go out and call. Don't worry about making mistakes. Those will make you a better caller and be some of your best stories.


Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.