.30/378, .338 Lapua, .300 Wby, .300 RUM... Pffffftt! 1000 yds.... Give me a break!!

Hell, a REAL hunter only needs a .30-30. File off the front sights. Grease up the barrel really good with Vaseline. Sneak up behind your moose or elk or grizzly, shove the barrel about a foot-and-a-half up his azz, pull the trigger, and you're done. Nuttin' to it. No sightin' in. No muzzle blast. No walkin' 3/4 of a mile from where you shot all the way out to where the dead animal lays.

Or you can leave the front sight on and use it like a Butt-Out when you pull it out.

Last edited by Skeezix; 07/30/14.

Bring enough gun and know how to use it.

Know that it is not the knowing, nor the talking, nor the reading man, but the doing man, that at last will be found the happiest man. - Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)