I carry a Gobspark Armageddon steel with scraper, always.


And I have a couple of Altoid tin "firestarter kits" with the light my fire steels along with some Vaseline cotton balls, birch bark, fatwood slivers, etc.
But rarely do I start campfires and if I do, I'll likely use a fire steel just for "practice". I mostly carry the steels for the unlikely event of actually needing a fire. Just easier than carrying matches and will light a Vaseline cotton ball just as fast.

All kidding aside, I usually use a Bic lighter to light my stove...which is about the only thing I "light" when on a backpack hunt, and usually have one on my person.
And though I've never had a failure of a Bic it could fail and thus I carry the firesteels. I don't dink around with matches much since finding true strike anywhere matches is difficult. And you can't fly with them.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.
