I use it on a couple of firearms that are simple to detail strip so that Froglube is exclusively used on every single piece and part. An example is the 1911. I use the paste form, have used it sub-freezing and long term, with stellar results. Don't think anything slicker is known to man.

Only issues I see come from either intermixing with other lubes, or leaving a residual coating. In such cases, it can gum. But, if exclusively used wthout excess, the stuff works amazingly well, and I find it much easier to clean and maintain than other products.

For weapons that I may intermix lubes, I tend to favor TW25B, but Froglube is markedly slicker.

�I've never met a genius. A genius to me is someone who does well at something he hates. Anybody can do well at something he loves -- it's just a question of finding the subject.�

- Clint Eastwood