This is standard practice for the industry, both metals and coal. And to a large degree big pork and poultry operations. While in operation, they 'lagoon' the waste products. When the dam breaks, sometimes a petty enviro fine is paid and sometimes not. The lagoon is repaired and it's business as usual. The most cursory review of mining's history in the United States illustrates this. The other prime strategy of this industry is to pretend to stay open forever so 'closure' requirements do not have to be met. By the time the issue is litigated, insiders have taken the money and run.

Most decent people imagine these industries operate with a "Boy Scout" ideology that says to "leave the campsite like you found it or a little better". They imagine that our current environmental regulations assure this. Nothing could be further from the truth. They operate with a "Why does a dog lick his balls?" ideology. Because in the end, cleaning up these operations usually does not happen. If it does the cost is spread over the tax base. Why does this sound like a liberal rant? The best PR money can buy, that's why. I've been a professional environmental manager for the past 25 years, on both sides of the country. As of this writing also a registered Republican. I urge a dose of honest review of the topic before dumping my point into the whacko bin.

I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world itself is vexing enough. -- Col. Stonehill