After the caracal hunt, we went after me a Springbuck.
very large fields with herds of springbuck in many directions.
kudu here and there. Occasional impala.
Saw a herd a long way off heading toward a waterhole a long way off.
We eased in and eventually got within 40-50 yards of the waterhole. There was a group of males on the far side and females on the near side.
the females came out, we were downwind, but they walked right past us and got downwind of us. As they smelled us, they took a little trot across the ditch that feeds
the waterhole and trotted up the hill to our right.
Marius turned us and put up sticks and told me to follow the bucks because they would assuredly follow the females out. He would try to stop him by making a sheep sound.
as the biggest entered the opening I put the crosshairs on the neck. (I generally do this on trotting animals, then let them walk into the crosshair more and squeeze the trigger as the chest comes into the crosshair). Well, when Marius bleated and the buck stopped, I didn't move the rifle and just shot him in the neck. I had a few neck shots this week, this was the first.
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