Actually I was at REI today and looked at that chair. It doesn't have riveted joints, or joints at all for that matter. All of the pieces fit into that corner brace thing. It's a nylon or plastic piece. The tubing is small, like 3/8" or so. I believe it would be great on a hard flat surface. I believe one would have to be careful with it on softer surfaces, to maintain it without damage. I will say again, it is very comfy.

I get back in camp, or just hanging in camp I always hate sitting ON something like a typical camp stool with no back support. After a day hiking or hunting I want to sit IN something comfortable and lean back.

Never been able to do that.

Crazy Creek chairs don't quite get there. Too hard to get down on the ground then get back up again.

That's why this REI chair is so attractive to me. For the lightweight and comfort, I may take the risk of finding out if it will hold up or not.

Gloria In Excelsis Deo!

Originally Posted by Calvin
As far as gear goes.. The poorer (or cheaper) you are, the tougher you need to be.